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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

CTE Mission

Caldwell County Schools Career and Technical Education (CTE) program is committed to preparing and growing our students to succeed in career and college readiness through the ideals of professionalism, leadership, and service. Caldwell County Schools provides students the opportunity to explore or enroll in CTE courses that integrate rigorous and relevant standards to changing industry demands.

CTE Logo


More than a diploma…

The Caldwell County Schools CTE program is designed to equip students for the real world and is aligned with the workforce needs of the Caldwell County area.  We want all students to have the opportunity to explore various CTE pathways and/or earn industry-recognized credentials allowing them to be better prepared to enter the workforce following their high school graduation.  We pride ourselves on preparing students for an ever-changing, ever-growing workforce.

Students have access to robust, technology rich opportunities in 60 CTE courses covering 13 of the 15 CTE Career Clusters.  Our CTE courses offer students the opportunity to earn 36 different Industry Recognized credentials.  Caldwell County students are able to choose an academic pathway that connects their area of interest with their high school education goals and beyond.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Caldwell County Schools does not discriminate against race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender in its activities and programs including employment policies and practices.