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Parent And Family Engagement

CCS Parent Leadership Connection

All parent leaders, i.e., PTA, PTO, Booster Club, etc., officers are invited to the CCS Parent Leadership Council. Meetings are scheduled throughout the school year and held at the Education Center. Parents meet to discuss educational topics they determine as a top priority: curriculum, safety, organizational management, fundraising ideas, and connectivity to their student's learning environment. For more information, contact your respective parent leadership boards at your school or call Libby Brown, Community Services Director, at 828.728-8407, ext 140142, or email:


Caldwell County Schools will annually:

  • Involve parents in the development of the PSU Title I Plan by putting the plan before the county PTA/PTO Council for their review/input and requesting that each Title I School use its PTA/PTO Executive Committee to review and give input into the plan.
  • Provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist Title I schools in developing and implementing parent and family engagement components of their school improvement plans using at least their proportional share of the 1% mandatory budget allocation.
  • Request that the Title I School's PTA/PTO Executive Committee/Leadership Team review and provide input into revisions of the entire school improvement plan based on current data.
  • Ensure that school improvement plans build/foster parent leadership capacity.
  • Provide information to parents, enabling them to understand the expectations of ESSA.
  • Work to integrate parent and family engagement programs/strategies/activities in all Title I Schools.



  • Review/evaluate the measurable outcomes resulting from school improvement plan implementation to ensure parental participation and leadership capacity increase incrementally.
  • Provide forms for schools to document their required parent meetings.
  • Provide forms for principals to record their efforts to engage parents and families as required under ESSA.
  • Provide Parent-Student-School Compact forms for all students in Title I Schools.
  • Provide forms to document mid-year progress in each school.
  • Provide parent questionnaires to measure the schools' willingness for them to be equal partners in their children's education.
  • Revise and review parent and family engagement needs and suggestions from the parent survey and make changes if needed.
  • In partnership with the county PTA/PTO Leadership Council, they will review the policy to see if it results in greater parental engagement and participation and to recommend revisions if necessary.

Revised 6/23/23

Parent's Right to Know

Parent's Right to Know English

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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Parent's Right to Know Spanish

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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.