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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

Triple E Framework

Triple E Framework - Extend Enhance Engage

Caldwell County Schools is rich with technology. However, determining if a particular tool or teaching strategy is the best option to meet a learning goal can be difficult. Enter the Triple E Framework!

This student-centered framework helps teachers plan for and administrators evaluate effective technology integration to meet student learning goals. The framework is based on three components: Engagement in learning goals, Enhancement of learning goals, and Extension of learning goals.

The Triple E is a practical framework that measures the degree to which the technology in a lesson is helping students meet the learning goals. Unlike other technology frameworks, the Triple E Framework focus is on the learning goals, and not specific technology tools. The framework draws on educational research concerning effective and ineffective practices with technology tools from the past two decades. The Triple E measurement tool was developed specially for K-12 teachers and administrators to use in lesson plan development, evaluation of the potential effectiveness of educational apps in learning, and evaluation of the potential effectiveness of tech tools in lesson plans. Source