2024-2025 School Year
To request a transfer for the current academic year (2024-2025), contact Joy Parker by phone at (828) 728-8407 ext 140175 or email joparker@caldwellschools.com.
2025-2026 School Year
The Open Enrollment period for Transfers for the 2025-26 school year starts January 15, 2025, and ends February 28, 2025. If you have an extenuating circumstance requiring applying for a transfer after the deadline, you must contact Joy Parker at the Education Center by phone at (828) 728-8407 ext 140175 or email joparker@caldwellschools.com.
Caldwell County students have the opportunity to apply for a transfer to a school of their choice if space is available and if certain criteria Board Policy 4150 are met. When applying for a transfer, please review Student Athletic Eligibility Board Policy 3621, as athletic participation could be affected.
You will receive approval or denial notification via email concerning your Transfer Application for the 2025-26 school year after each month's scheduled Board meeting, depending on when your application was submitted. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Access the 2025-2026 transfer form in the upper right corner of the website.
Caldwell County students must enroll in the school that serves the district in which they live or have an approved transfer. Caldwell County students have the opportunity to apply for transfer to a school of their choice for the 2025-26 year if space is available and if the following criteria are met:
Student Transfer Applications must be completed online by February 28, 2025, if you want your child to attend a school outside the school district in which you live or a different school from the one he/she is currently attending. Student Transfer Applications received after February 28, 2025, or applications to a closed school will be approved only for extreme extenuating circumstances. A detailed description of the extenuating circumstances to support the transfer request must be attached to the application. If this statement is not included, your application may not be processed. These applications will be submitted to the Superintendent’s office for consideration.
Parents of Kindergarten students who want to request a transfer may apply for transfer and may participate in the kindergarten orientation at the requested school if it is not “closed to new enrollees.” If the transfer request is not approved, the records will then be returned to the school that serves the district in which you live. Please Note: If your older son/daughter has an approved transfer to attend an out-of-district school and that school is now closed, your older child (children) may stay, but your kindergarten child may be denied enrollment at that school.
Caldwell County students with APPROVED transfers to the school they are presently attending will need to complete the Student Transfer Application each year to remain at the school. Out-of-county transfers must also have an annual release from their home county and must re-apply each year (a fee may apply). Releases from the home county must be completed online as well.
Students approved for transfer wishing to participate in athletics in middle school and high school are subject to the provisions of Board Policy 3621.
A list of CLOSED Schools is available on our website.
Transfer Forms
Please make sure you have read the Board Policies referenced above under Student Transfer Information and the Student Transfer Information Letter to Parents provided on the website.
Out of County Transfers
You must first receive a release from your home county, and thereafter, each year, your child remains in the Caldwell County Schools. An out-of-county student will not be approved until all transfers from students in Caldwell County are processed. If ample space is available and if a student is in good standing will determine if the student will be approved. Requests for Release from Caldwell County Schools are on our Documents and Forms page.
Falsification of any part of an Application for Student Transfer or Student Information Form will result in immediate denial or revocation of a student transfer. Out-of-district students without a transfer will immediately be asked to return to their home school and will not be eligible to request a transfer.
Students approved for transfer may have their transfer privileges revoked by the Superintendent for serious misconduct, poor academic performance inconsistent with student ability, unexcused absences, or excessive tardies/early dismissals, as per School Board Policy 4120.
Links to Important Documents
2025-2026 Schools Closed to Transfers
2025-2026 Schools Closed to Transfers (Español)
Student Transfer Letter to Parents 2025-2026
Student Transfer Letter to Parents 2025-2026 (Español)
Student Transfer Letter to Parents 2024-25
Student Transfer Letter to Parents (Spanish) 2024-25
2024-25 Closed Schools to Transfers
2024-25 Closed Schools to Transfers (Spanish)
Policy Code: 3621 Student Athletic Eligibility