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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

Special Populations Support Services

Special Populations

Special Populations is unique to Career and Technical Education (CTE).  Special services are provided for special populations to ensure equal access to recruitment, enrollment and placement activities.  These supplementary services are essential to the successful participation of some disabled and disadvantaged students in career and technical education programs.  Students with the greatest needs have top priority for services.  Coordination with other service providers reduces the number of direct service contracts and the duplication of efforts.  Being non-instructional personnel, Special Populations Coordinators (SPC) have the major responsibilities for ensuring such coordination.

One such assurance, helping a student to enter a career and technical education program, enhances their chances of selecting an appropriate career pathway.  Preparatory services are provided in the middle school or prior to a student's enrollment in a CTE programat high school.  These services include recruitment of potential CTE students, career guidance, vocational assessment, and monitoring.

After participation in the outreach and recruitment activities, each student's special needs are identified and coordinated to ensure success in completing their chosen course of study.  Following the assessment process and career guidance, appropriate plans are developed.

Special Population Coordinators (SPC) are available at CASA, HHS, SCHS and WCHS to assist students with support services and to promote success and growth in their potential career area.