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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

Open Enrollment (Student Transfers school to school)

It's time to Enroll!

The open enrollment period for student transfers for the 2023-2024 school year closes on February 28, 2023.

If you are considering a transfer to another school, or you are currently attending a school on a transfer, please complete the transfer request application by February 28th. Go to our District Website for detailed instructions.

Also during this month, if you have a child who turns five years old on or before August 31, 2023, it's time to enroll in kindergarten. 

To enroll in kindergarten, go to this URL:

Kindergarten Enrollment

Parents who would like to complete a Pre-K application for their 4-year-old, please visit our Preschool Forms page.

Preschool Forms

Caldwell County Schools will offer a support session to assist limited English parents with kindergarten enrollment or student transfer applications.

Where: Caldwell County Education Center Board Room
1914 Hickory Blvd. SW
Lenoir, NC 28645

When: Thursday, February 23, 2023, 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

RSVP to Shelly Arias 828-292-2899 or Cesar Gesundheit 828-292-1787 (text or call)