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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

Employee Resources

  • Caldwell County provides various professional development opportunities throughout the year.  Our mission is to improve classroom instruction and school leadership through specific, intensive, research-based professional development that includes support, practice, follow-up, feedback and evaluation.

    National Board for Professional Teaching Standards  

    NCCAT - The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching provides high-quality professional development to teachers across North Carolina.  

    NCEES Wikispace - This wiki supports North Carolina educators with the policies and practices of the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES). On this wiki site you will find many resources to aid in understanding and using the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System.  

    NWRESA - The Northwest Regional Educational Service Alliance provides quality staff development and technical assistance for member public school systems in northwestern North Carolina. Inservice is conducted region-wide for all educators or within individual systems or schools. Regional workshops in the core curriculum areas of reading, writing, math, science and socia studies are offered, as are sessions in media, technology integration, learning styles, curriculum alignment and all aspects of education. Technical assistance and consultation are available to individuals, schools and LEAs by special request or appointment.

    Caldwell County Schools Professional Development Forms

    Professional Activity - Request for a Substitue PD-1
    A teacher who participates in a professional activity for his/her school or school system and for whom a substitute teacher is required, the Professional Activity - Request for a Substitute form must be completed.  The form also requires funding and administrative approval in advance.

    Approval of Non-CCS Activity PD-2
    This form is used for an individual to enroll in a Certificate Renewal Course or Activity.  Courses or activities must be relevant to the individual's area(s) of licensure or area(s) relevant to school improvement.

    Proposed In-Service Activity PD-4
    This form is to be used to propose in-service activities that will be conducted at the different sites in our school system.  The proposal is to be submitted to the personnel director for prior approval if license renewal credit is to be requested.  The form is completed in triplicate for the personnel office and for the site administrator's records.  The third copy is submitted to the personnel office with a listing of persons who completed the staff development activity.  Forms are available in the Human Resource Services Department.

    Independent Study Activity
    Licensed employees who request completing an independent study for continuing education units must complete an appropriate application and must follow procedures established for this purpose.

  • Local Deals 

    Chick-fil-A:  School I.D. Night is a Chick-fil-A discount night for CCS students and employees. If students/faculty/staff come into the Lenoir restaurant with their current school I.D. and purchase a large side item and a large beverage, they will receive a free 8-count nugget or chicken sandwich. This promotion will begin at 5:00 P.M. and end at close (10 P.M.) This promotion will take place the third Wednesday of every month from February through June. These are all the dates of the promotion: March 20, April 17, May 15, and June 19.

    Carolina Furniture Concepts: 20% discount on any regularly priced item at either location - 100 Airport Road Arden, NC 28704 or 121 Eagles Nest Road, Waynesville, NC 28786.

    Teacher Treasures: Free classroom supplies are available to Caldwell County teachers at Teacher Treasures, a local education resource center in Lenoir at 110 Church St. NW. Call 828-292-1570 for an appointment to Free Shop during the 2018-2019 school year. There is a surplus of paper, glue sticks, glue, markers, rulers, pencils, backpacks available. If you need a specific item, they will work to get it.​

    Tybrisa Books: 15% discount.

    Anything Office, Inc.: Additional 15% off purchase price, some exclusions may apply.

    Go Postal (in Boone): 10% discount to educators.

    Dunkin Donuts: Business card with discount beverages and free donut offer valid through December 2018.

    Lakeview Transit LLC: 10% off rides for any teacher or member of a teacher's immediate family.

    NCSECU: The State Employees Credit Union offers discount tickets to a variety of theme parks. For more information about discounted tickets, ask an associate inside of any branch.

    Wellness discounts for Quest4Life, the Lenoir Aquatic and Fitness Center, Anytime Fitness, and In Light Yoga:  See the links below.  

    LAFCLenoir Aquatic and Fitness Center
    Anytime Fitness
    In Light Yoga
    Planet Fitness


    Krispy Kreme (Lenoir, NC): Caldwell County teachers can show their school id badge in order to be given a free dozen glazed doughnuts when you purchase a dozen doughnuts of any variety.

    Dos Amigos:  School employees receive 10% discount when ID is shown.


    Arts, Crafts, and School Supplies


    The Container Store:  The Container Store provide various discounts throughout the year when you sign up for the Organized Teacher Program. Register online for a free discount card to use for in-store and online purchases. If you visit a store, be sure to have your school ID. 

    Joann Fabric:  The free Teacher Rewards Discount Card entitles educators to 15-percent off all purchases. New members receive a 20-percent off bonus for signing up. 

    Michael's:  Receive 15% off your entire purchase every day. 

    Party City:  Save between 10 and 20 percent when you bring a signed letter on official letterhead from an officer of the school.  

    A.C. Moore:  Teachers can now save 15 percent on both regularly-priced and sale merchandise through their Teacher Discount Program.  

    Pets in the Classroom:  This unique program offers K-8 teachers grants to help cover the cost of a pet for the classroom. The maximum grant amount is $150, but there are also a number of different grant types to help pay for pet supplies.  


    Books and Media:


    Barnes & Noble:  Through the B&N Educator Program teachers can save 20-percent off the publisher's list price on purchases for classroom use. 

    Books-A-Million:  Some stores grant teachers a 20-percent discount on most purchases just for asking. 

    Book Warehouse:  Show your valid school-issued card to join the Educator's Book Club and get a 15-percent discount on most in-store purchases.  

    MagMall:  Teachers will receive special pricing on magazine subscriptions ordered through MagMall. Tell them the name of your school and your position there to receive discounts up to 50-percent off.  

    PBS:  Educators who sign up for the PBS Learning Mediaprogram will receive free access to tens of thousands of videos, games, lesson plans and other educational materials for the classroom.

    The New York Times:  Discounts for online and delivery




    Ann Taylor Loft:  Register for the Loft Loves Teachers program to get 15-percent off all in-store purchases, plus an introductory discount for new members.  

    Aerosoles:  Show your school ID at Aerosoles stores and take 15-percent off any footwear purchase of $39.99 or more.  

    J. Crew: Show your school ID to get rewarded with 15-percent off in-store purchases. 

    Bunion Bootie:  Teachers and administrators save 10 percent on their order total.  


    Electronics and Software


    Apple Store:  Varying discounts up to $200 on computers and accessories through the Apple Education Store.  

    Bose:  Variable discounts are available on all music systems and accessories. Call their Sales Solution Team at 1-800-353-4027 for pricing and to place an order.  

    Dell:  If your school is affiliated with Dell you can get 2- to 4-percent off the final price of any desktop or laptop, as well as software peripherals. Call Customer Service before paying to apply the discount.  

    Cell Phone Companies (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint):  This discount varies by provider, but teachers can save loads on a personal cell phone bill, sometimes up to 20 percent a month. Contact your provider for details.

    Sony:  Register and buy through the program portal for 5- to 10- percent off purchases.  


    Hotels and Attractions


    Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotel:  Teachers are eligible for a variety of discounted rates at the Swan and Dolphin hotel, located securely in the center of Walt Disney World in Orlando. Availability also varies based on season and demand. Mention you're an educator when booking.  

    Hotels:  Show your school ID at check-in to receive the government rate. Rules on this discount mention government employees, which would  include public school employees.


    Retail School Supply Discounts


    Crayola:  Gold Star Teacher program: Discounts from & opportunities to test/provide feedback on new products & lesson plans.  

    National Geographic:  Teachers are eligible for discount on Geographic Project kits; 

    Texas Instruments:   Pre-service and pre-credentialed middle grades and high school math and science students in the United States and Canada are eligible to receive discounts on TI technology products.


    Travel Discounts


    Educators Bed & Breakfast Travel Network:  Members can get discounted travel at $40 per night for 2 people; Home Stays with other members of the EBBN 


    Other Discounts


    NEA (National Education Association):  Various NEA member benefits & discounts.  

    PETCO:  Free aquarium for select teachers with application (PETCO only gives this aquarium to a set number of teachers each year). 


    Scholarships, Grants, and Programs


    101 Scholarships Just for Teachers:  This website offers a tremendous wealth of information to teachers applying for scholarships.


    Best Buy Teach Awards:  Best Buy Teach Awards, ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, help to sustain or enhance existing educational programs.  


    Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program:  For U.S. teachers, this opportunity involves a year, semester or six-week direct exchange of teaching positions with a counterpart in another country teaching the same subject at the same level. 

    Stafford Loan Forgiveness Program for Teachers:  Individuals who teach full time for five consecutive, complete academic years in certain elementary and secondary schools that serve low-income families and meet other qualifications may be eligible for forgiveness of up to a combined total of $17,500 in principal and interest on their FFEL and/or Direct Loan program loans.


    STA Travel: The International Teacher ID Card (ITIC) is the only internationally-recognized form of proof of your status as a full-time teacher. It gives you access to thousands of discounts here in the U.S. and internationally. There is a fee and you must purchase the card through STA Travel to receive the following discounts:

                      Discount airfare from STA Travel

                      11% off all flights on JetBlue Airways

                      11% off all purchases at Macy's

                      15% off and free shipping from

                      Up to 50% off parking rates at Park 'n Fly

                      Up to 50% off software at the Apple Store

                      10% off at

                      Discount admission to the Eiffel Tower

                      Up to 20% off select accommodation in Rome

    Target Field Trip Grant:  The Target Field Trip Grants program awards grants for teachers to use on educational field trip expenses. 

    The National Defense Education Act: Perkins Loan Forgiveness:  Full-time teachers in an elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families can have a portion of their Perkins Loan forgiven under The National Defense Education Act.

    This program forgives 15% of your loan for the first and second years of teaching, 20% for the third and fourth, and 30% for the fifth.  

    Toyota TAPESTRY Grants for Science Teachers:  The Toyota TAPESTRY Grants for Science Teachers program offers grants to K–12 science teachers for innovative projects that enhance science education in the school or school district. The program is open to middle and high school science teachers residing within the 50 United States and to elementary teachers who teach some science in the classroom.     


  • Caldwell County Schools has an automated Substitute Absentee Management System (SmartFind Express) to track the reporting of employee absences and to call substitute employees when appropriate. All classroom personnel are expected to report each absence to this system by telephone or website regardless of whether a substitute is required or obtained. Employees will receive training at their respective work sites to properly access SmartFind Express and report absences. The requirement to report absences to SmartFind Express does not relieve employees of any additional absence reporting required by their principal or supervisor.  

    Access SmartFind  or (828) 394-2715 

    SmartFind Reference Guide - Employees

    For questions, please call Audrey Glenn at (828) 728-8407 ext. 140103

  • Please refer to Board Policy prior to filing a grievance, discrimination, harassment or bullying report.  


    For Assistance Contact: 

    Human Resource Services between the hours of (8:00 a.m.) and (5:00 p.m.) Monday through Friday. Human Resource Services is located at the  Education Center, 1914 Hickory Blvd., SW, Lenoir, NC 28645. 828-758-8407

  • If school is delayed -

    If school is delayed, staff members are required to report to work at least 30 minutes before students arrive or the start time of the facility.  Individual principals may have different requirements in order to meet the needs of their school; please defer to your principal or site supervisor on delay start days.
    Ed Center employees should report at least 30 minutes prior to the announced delay.

    Inclement Weather Guidelines

    If the school building is closed for students -
    Remote Learning Day/Optional Workday for Employees

    Per Policy 7550: Absences Due to Inclement Weather On a day that employees have the option to report for a workday but pupils are not required to attend school due to inclement weather, employees have the following options:

    1. report to work; In person / Telework with supervisor permission.
    2. take accumulated annual leave;
    3. take accumulated personal leave, if available (teachers only);
    4. take leave without pay;
    5. use compensatory leave already accumulated; or
    6. make up the time missed (see below for make-up guidelines).

    Inclement Weather Make Up Guidelines -

    Effective December 15, 2020

    For 10 month Employees:

    • Employees are to be given the option to make up time missed due to inclement weather, if they elect.  “With permission of the principal” implies that the make-up time, or event credited for time, must be approved to count towards make-up time, not that the principal is to approve the request to make up the time. 
    • Please work with employees to make sure that they have every opportunity to make up time if requested.
    • Make-up time for employees, not exempt from Fair Labor Standards laws, (non-certified employees) will be made up hour for hour and not at time and a half. 
    • Non-exempt employees will sign out of TimeKeeper and use the attached Inclement Weather Time Sheet to record make up time.
    • Make-up time documentation must be kept on file at the school for all employees making up time (exempt and non-exempt.) 
    • By definition, make-up time must occur after the missed day.  

     There are several make up options that may be used: 

    1. Employee works on day(s) school is closed, delayed or early release for inclement weather and will not have to make up time; or 
    2. Employee elects to use annual leave for missed days/time; or
    3. Employee elects to make up the missed day(s)/time; or
    4. Employee may use accumulated comp time  - non-certified staff ONLY; or
    5. Employee may take No Pay as an option for the missed day/time.


    For 11 and 12 month Employees:

    Eleven and twelve-month employee workdays are not governed by the ten-month calendar (other than specified holidays.) When schools are closed and work is missed due to inclement weather, eleven and twelve month employees have the following options: 

    1. Report to work; In person / Telework with supervisor permission.
    2. Take annual leave; or
    3. Use accumulated comp time; or
    4. Make up the day; or
    5. Take No pay option for the day.

    All inclement weather make-up time must be documented on the Inclement Weather Timesheet (certified and non-certified staff).  All timesheets are to be turned in to the payroll/lead secretary and remain on file at the school of a period no less than 12 calendar months with the current school year documentation.  Because missed time is paid at hour for hour, make-up time will be earned on an hour–for-hour basis and not at time and a half.

    If school is closed for staff and students -

    Employees should not report to work. The Board of Education will determine how the day will be made up at a later date.  

  • Professional educators are able to apply for and update their North Carolina licenses online. Instructions and more information are available within the online licensure system.  Detailed information can be found on the NCDPI Licensure pages.  For local assistance, contact Ashley Starnes, Licensure Specialist.     Renewing a License   Access the online licensure system to request renewal of your Professional Educator's License. Instructions and more information are available within the online licensure system. Current requirements for renewal credits are:   Eight total units of renewal credit is required to renew a license.

    Licensure Renewal Graphic


    The general credit breakdown is subject to change based on N.C State Board of Education policy.  One unit of renewal credit (1 CEU) is equivalent to 10 contact hours.  One semester hour is equivalent to 1.5 CEUs.


    State Licensure Policy is located on the State Board of Education's webpage.

  • Teachers, school administrators, and non-teaching positions in NC schools are employed by local boards of education but are paid on a state salary schedule based on a number of factors. In addition to the state salary, a local supplement may be provided by the school system. Some public school employees may also receive compensation, or longevity pay, for continuing service.

      For more information

  • Employee Transfer Regulation   

    Transfer Philosophy  

    Caldwell County Schools recognize employees have various personal or professional needs that may best be addressed by transferring employment within the school district. Transfers may be the result of a personal request or the result of a system imposed involuntary move. All assignments and transfers of employees to schools are the responsibility of the Superintendent.  In-school transfers are the responsibility of the principal. The Caldwell County Board of Education shall be notified of all employee transfers authorized by the Superintendent.

    Voluntary Transfer Process

    (Certified employees only - There are no restrictions on voluntary transfers of classified employees)

    Lateral transfers are available to classroom-based certified employees from 5/1/2019 to no later than 10 business days before the opening of the academic year/first teacher workday.  Commitments or contracts will not be considered once the transfer window has closed.   Employees can apply and be considered for available positions during this time frame.  In TeacherMatch, internal employees will be marked with a green rocket icon. All applications will be treated confidentially, with no notification of the application being sent to the employee’s current principal.     If the principal with an appropriate vacancy is interested in an internal transfer candidate, an interview will be conducted with the employee requesting the transfer.  If an employee from the transfer list is selected as the top candidate for the school, the principal shall contact the employee’s current principal for a reference prior to submitting the recommendation for employment.   Eligibility for Voluntary Transfers   All certified employees of Caldwell County Schools shall have the right to request a lateral transfer with the following exceptions:

    • Employees who have received a voluntary transfer during the preceding school year.


    • Teachers with less than two years experience in Caldwell County Schools, unless granted permission by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.


    • Employees who are on an action plan for improvement/not in good standing unless granted permission by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.

    Involuntary Transfer Policy

    (Certified/Classified Employees)

    In order to maintain an effective school system, Caldwell County Schools may involuntarily transfer employees from one school to another.  The Superintendent may assign school employees in any manner that he/she deems appropriate and consistent with legal requirements. The Superintendent must approve all involuntary transfers.

    Involuntary reassignment occurs when the Superintendent directs either reassignment apart from any voluntary action by the employee or when an employee consents to be reassigned at the specific request of the Superintendent.  The Superintendent shall provide the employee and principals involved the reason(s) for the decision to reassign.

    If it is deemed necessary by the Superintendent to involuntarily reassign an employee based on course requirements, fluctuating enrollments, allotment, efforts to improve student performance, or for the general welfare of the school system, the employee to be reassigned will customarly  be the last one hired unless

    • The Superintendent has other appropriate reasons that benefit the school system and are consistent with legal requirements.


    • The present assignment of the employee requires special expertise/skills essential to the school (Ex.; NC Pre-K and Exceptional Children's’ employees)


    • The employee with a higher demonstrated performance may supersede other employees that are rated at proficient or better.


    • The employee is on an action plan for improvement/not in good standing(proficient or higher).  


    • An involuntary transfer of the employee has occurred within the past 3 years.


    *Note* - Directors of Specific programs have the right to appropriately transfer employees based on the needs and general welfare of the school system.

  • Workers' Compensation questions should be addressed to:

    Audrey Glenn
    Systems Specialist
    Workers Comp. Administrator
    Human Resources Services
    1914 Hickory Blvd., SW
    Lenoir, NC 28645
    Phone: 828-728-8407
    Ext 140103
    Fax: 828-728-0493
