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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

Occupational Survey

Similar to the Home Language Survey that is required in all school enrollment packets for EL identification, the Occupational Survey is a document used to identify potential migratory children and youth in PSUs to receive services under Title I, Part C of the ESEA in the state. Beginning SY22-23 per ESEA Section 1304(c)(7), 1309(2), 1903(a)(1), all PSUs that receive federal funds under Title I, are required to create and implement a protocol to include the Occupational Survey in all the district/PSUs’ enrollment packets, and then share the results with NC Migrant Education Program (MEP) Team at DPI. It is important to note that PSUs are not expected to make determinations around a child’s potential eligibility under Title I, Part C. The MEP team at DPI will make those determinations.          

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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.