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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

Parent Portal FAQs


  • A username and password is needed to log in to Parent Portal. Log on to the Internet and type  in your Internet address window. Use the username and password provided to you at the school. The username and password are case sensitive and if forgotten, please contact your school. On the school website, there is also a link provided for direct connection to the Parent Portal site. You must obtain your student's access ID and password codes, from the attending school to complete this process.

  • The username and password will be generated at your child's school. To receive your login information and password, go to the school's administrative office and request a username and password or upload the information as instructed by the school. Both username and password are case sensitive. If you have more than one child enrolled in the Caldwell County Schools, you will only need one username and password. Once you enter into the Parent Portal, you will have access to each of your children's information enrolled in any Caldwell County School. 

  • No. Each parent will receive a unique username and password. Please protect your information by not sharing this with others.

  • You should contact the school where you were issued your username and password. The data manager or a staff member in the administrative office can confirm your username and password and can reset it if necessary. You may be required to provide a photo ID for assistance with usernames and password.

  • Please click on the Log Off button in the upper right corner of your window. Then just close your browser.

  • Yes. You may print the pages you see on the screen by using the "print screen" function on your browser or keyboard.

  • No. There is no cost involved in using Parent Portal. You will need a computer with Internet access in order to use the service. If you do not have Internet access in your home, computers are available in the public libraries.

  • Yes. Parents may request an information change by completing an address or phone number update within Parent Portal. However, you will be required to provide documentation to your child's school before some changes are complete. For example, for an address change, parents must show proof or residency with a current utility bill, current lease agreement/mortgage, real estate property tax statement, Medicaid card or current paycheck stub.

  • Normally, Parent Portal will be available 24 hours/7 days a week. However, once a month, the PowerSchool site for student information that feeds information to Parent Portal is not available for routine maintenance. These dates will be posted as necessary.

Assistance with Parent Portal

In order to access the HomeBase™ Parent Portal, you must first create an account.  Please review the instructions posted below to create your account.  If you have any questions or problems with this, please contact the school your child(ren) attends for further information.


Once you have created your account, you may access the PowerSchool Parent/Student login using the Quick Links dropdown menu located in the upper right corner of our district homepage.  You may also click the link below to login.

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