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Caldwell County Schools

Challenging Children for Success

Volunteers Home

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We invite parents and approved volunteers back into our schools!

Level 3 Volunteers must have an approved background check prior to volunteering.


  • People Actively Volunteering in Education (PAVE)... is an organized effort to reunite families, schools and communities by improving the quality of volunteerism in the Caldwell County Schools. It takes many people from different facets of life working together to build brighter futures. Your involvement is needed to strengthen those ties between families, schools and communities. Listed below are some volunteer activities that may interest you.
    For those who can help out "just a bit"...
    • Lunch Buddy Eat lunch at school with a student once or twice a month and serve as a positive role model.
    • Kindergarten Registration Be the first to show rising kinders and parents around the school during kindergarten registration in April or May.
    • Test Proctors Watch students put themselves to the test... End-of-Grade and End-of-Course, that is.
    • Chaperones Take some time away from your busy schedule and chaperone a field trip or school dance.
    • Reading Partners Listen to a child read and help with basic comprehension.
    • Field Day Spend the day outside awarding ribbons and clocking times during the end-of-year field events.
    • Office/Clerical Assistants Help school personnel with filing, answering the phone, word processing, etc., throughout the year or just during a crunch.
    • Screen Savers Keep students "on line" in the technology lab where assistance is needed with Accelerated Reader and other software programs.
    • Media Assistants Sort, shelve and help students find great literary works in the media center


  • For maximum impact on a child...
    • Tutors Assist students during the school day or after school in subjects that are challenging and difficult to comprehend.
    • Mentors Change the outcome for a child and commit to a weekly mentoring session with a student through the Communities in Schools Program.
    • Exceptional Assistants Make a dramatic impact in the lives of mentally or physically challenged students through tutoring and chaperoning opportunities.
    • Language Tutors Serve as a translator or tutor for children who have limited use of the English language.
    • Classroom Assistants Work as a classroom helper in grades K through 5 sorting resource materials, planning special activities, etc., and become part of a whole new family.

Thanks to Our Volunteers More than 55,000 volunteer hours were contributed this school year in the Caldwell County Schools, thanks to our dedicated and caring school volunteers!

The Greatest Work You'll Ever Do is with Your Children.

Volunteer in the Caldwell County Schools More Volunteer Information

Hard time deciding? 
To volunteer, contact the school's administrative office or volunteer coordinator and complete a volunteer application form. The doors of the Caldwell County Schools are always open to parents, grandparents, business partners and upstanding citizens who want to be involved in education in a positive way. 
Share professional or personal experiences that enrich classroom studies. Your testimonial can make a significant contribution to the development of young minds.  

Special Events...
Agree to be on the list for special school activities that need extra help to be a smash hit, i.e., awards day, concerts, talent shows, holiday programs, picture day, etc.

Join the school's beautification effort in keeping the school grounds clean and well landscaped.

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