Health is at the heart of education
School Nurses enhance learning by promoting the wellness and safety of students and staff by removing health related barriers.
Definition of School Nursing: School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential. Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors February 2017.
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN, NCSN |
Pam BarberLead School Nurse |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN, NCSN |
Shannon AndrewsHudson Middle School 828-728-4281 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN, NCSN |
Denise FlemingDudley Shoals Elementary 828-396-3457 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications:
Kimberly TilleyGamewell Middle School 828-754-6204 Happy Valley School 828-754-3496
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN |
Brittney HopsonBaton Elementary School 828-728-9531 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN |
Emily LloydHudson Elementary School 828-728-3712 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: MSN, RN, NCSN |
Angela ProffitCaldwell Online Academy 828-726-3855 West Caldwell High School 828-758-5583 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN, NCSN |
Kim RobertsHibriten High School 828-758-7376 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN |
Amy DunlapDavenport Elementary School 828-754-6941 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN, NCSN |
Sarah Beth SwangerGamewell Elementary School 828-758-1193 |
Email: Degrees and Certifications: BSN, RN, NCSN |
Brittney YoungCaldwell Early College High School 828-759-4636 |
Schools Nurses are medical professionals who work inconjunction with faculty and staff to meet health related challenges of students, making a difference in attendance, student achievements, and drop-out rates.
Roles of the School Nurse Identified by the School Nurse's Associaition of North Carolina: |
Appropriate Referrals to School Nurse: |
Visit North Carolin'a School Nurse Association
A vast directory to assist Caldwellians in their quest to locate resources available in Caldwell County. The document is an ever-changing document and is updated as new resources are identified.
Link: Resource Directory
Vaccination requirements for kindergarten-age children can be found below:
Vaccine | Number Doses Required Before School Entry* |
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis | 5 doses |
Polio | 4 doses |
Measles | 2 doses |
Mumps | 2 doses |
Rubella | 1 dose |
Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) | 4 doses |
Hepatitis B (Hep B) | 3 doses |
Varicella (chickenpox) | 2 doses |
Pneumococcal conjugate | 4 doses |
Vaccination requirements for 7th grade age children can be found below:
Vaccine | Number Doses Required Before School Entry* |
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis | 5 doses |
Polio | 4 doses |
Measles | 2 doses |
Mumps | 2 doses |
Rubella | 1 dose |
Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) | 4 doses |
Hepatitis B (Hep B) | 3 doses |
Varicella (chickenpox) | 1 dose |
Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis | 1 dose |
Meningococcal conjugate | 1 dose |
Vaccination requirements for 12th grade age children can be found below:
Vaccine | Number Doses Required Before School Entry* |
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis | 5 doses |
Polio | 4 doses |
Measles | 2 doses |
Mumps | 2 doses |
Rubella | 1 dose |
Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) | 4 doses |
Hepatitis B (Hep B) | 3 doses |
Varicella (chickenpox) | 1 dose |
Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis | 1 dose |
Meningococcal conjugate (Effective 2020-2021 School Year) | 2 doses |
Head lice are tiny insects that can get on people's scalp. Once there, they reproduce quickly. They lay eggs and cause severe itching of the scalp. Head lice do not spread disease. They do not live on animals. It does not matter if the hair is long or short, dirty or clean. Children and adults of any age and race can get head lice.
Policy and research from the Harvard School of Epidemiology, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses all state there is no value to excluding children from school for nits only. Children will only be sent home if live lice are seen.
How You Can Get Lice
What Lice And Their Eggs ("Nits") Look Like
Lice are:
Nits are:
How To Check For Lice And Nits
Who to Treat
How to Treat
Several different medicated shampoos can be purchased at the drugstore. You may wish to ask your doctor for a product that requires a prescription.
Household Cleaning
The following household procedures are necessary to prevent re-infestation and must be repeated with each treatment.
The Caldwell County School System and the Caldwell County Health Department have established a medication procedure in an effort to provide for safe administration of medication in schools.
Medication may be given during the school day, as determined by a doctor or a parent that cannot be scheduled outside the school day; however, is necessary for the child's well-being and ability to function in school.
Medications include prescription, emergency, and over-the-counter medications.
If your child is sick, we recommend that he/she receive medical care and follow the physician's advice.
In the event that medication must be given during the school day, a medication consent form must be completed by the physician and signed by a parent/guardian. For students who will self-administer and carry their own medication, the prescribing physician must complete and sign the appropriate section on the consent form. The form must be returned before medication will be administered.
Prescription |
Over-the-Counter |
Emergency Plans of Care
Allergy Action Plan
Form utilized to direct school personel actions to take in the event of an emergency related to condition.
Form utilized to direct school personel actions to take in the event of an emergency related to condition.
Form utilized to direct school personel actions to take in the event of an emergency related to condition.
Generic Action Plan
Form utilized to direct school personel actions to take in the event of an emergency related to condition.
Seizure Action Plan
Form utilized to direct school personel actions to take in the event of an emergency related to condition.
Medication Administration Documents
Medication Consent Form
Form for Medication to be given during school hours, must be completed by physician and authorized by parent.
Release Form
Consent for Release of Information
Form to authorize release of protected health information to enhance academic success of student.
Return to Learn Documents
RTL Guidelines
RTL Academic Accommodations
RTL Concussion Protocol Parent Information
RTL Concussion Signs/Symptoms Checklist
RTL Post Concussion Sympton Checklist
RTL Parent Information Brochure
School Nurse Encounter Forms (School Nurse Only)
School Nurse Encounter Form (School Nurse Use Only)
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