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Kindergarten Registration & Forms

Kindergarten Registration

Students enrolling in Caldwell County Schools must reside within the school district's geographical boundaries. However, the district accepts out-of-district students, assuming space is available.

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens February 3, 2025. A child entering Kindergarten must be five years old on or before August 31 of the year he/she is presented for enrollment. Enrollment forms will be available on the Caldwell County Schools website.

New students will need to take the following information to the school in your neighborhood where your child will enroll.  Please refer to the school website or call the school for more information concerning enrollment.

Parents are encouraged to register rising kindergarten students beginning now for kindergarten screening.

**Attention Parents: Kindergarten Open Enrollment will begin February 3, 2025. Parents who wish to transfer their student to a different school for kindergarten will need to fill out Kindergarten Enrollment forms and then fill out a Transfer Request application. Please contact the school your student will be attending if you have any questions or concerns.


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Kindergarten Screening

Kindergarten Screening will take place at the school your child will be attending. Check back here for Kindergarten Screening Schedules. 

What to expect at Kindergarten Screening:

At kindergarten screening, students and parents meet kindergarten teachers, tour the school, and become more familiar with the learning environment.  Representatives from the parent organizations, WrapAround (before and after school program), transportation and the child nutrition program provide information to parents. 

For parents to register their child in kindergarten, they should bring the following documents to the Kindergarten Screening:

  • Personal and emergency information
  • Verification of birth date --a certified copy of the child's birth certificate or other satisfactory evidence;
  • Proof of residence (i.e. current utility bill, property deed or rental lease); and 
  • The child's updated immunization record.

North Carolina law also requires that every child have a completed Kindergarten Health Assessment form on or before the first day of school, but no more than 12 months before the date of school entry. Kindergarten Health Assessment Forms are available at schools, doctors' offices, and the Caldwell County Health Department. 

You may contact your district school to register for screening and for questions.  School contact information and address can be found here.

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